Integrated Marketing Communication (Certificate)

Develop Marketing & Communication Skills Online in 1 Year
Through Seton Hill’s online Integrated Marketing Communication Certificate, you can enhance your skills and knowledge in the areas of digital marketing, consumer awareness, integrated marketing and more!
What You Will Learn
Through Seton Hill’s online Integrated Marketing Communication certificate, you will learn to:
- Understand general marketing concepts and major trends (and changes) in marketing.
- Analyze integrated marketing messages, data trends and analytics.
- Create marketing campaigns targeted to specific audiences.
- Implement digital, social and mobile media into strategic communication practices.
- Recognize ethical, legal and privacy issues associated with marketing, data and social media.
How You Will Learn
Convenient Online Program Format
The Integrated Marketing Communication Certificate is offered completely online. All courses are taught by faculty from Seton Hill’s School of Business.
Manageable Time Commitment
The Integrated Marketing Communication Certificate can be completed in three semesters (twelve months). As a student in this program, you’ll take six online eight-week courses. Courses are asynchronous - which means you can choose to take each class at a time that is convenient. You can choose to get started in August, October or January - whatever works best for you.
Career-Relevant Course Topics
Topics covered in the Integrated Marketing Communication Certificate Program include (but aren't limited to):
- Principles of Marketing
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Social Media Strategy
- Intro to Data Analytics
- Consumer Behavior
- Professional Selling
- International Marketing
Academic, Technology & Career Support
As a student in Seton Hill’s Online Program, you will also enjoy:
- Course planning, enrollment assistance and academic support from your faculty members, plus a dedicated counselor from the Office of Graduate and Online Studies, throughout your time at Seton Hill
- Software, access to online services & computer technology support needed for online courses
- Online access to tutoring and assistance through Seton Hill’s:
- Job search and career readiness support through the Career and Professional Development Center
Reduced Cost
This eighteen-credit program is offered for a special reduced rate.
Use Your Certificate Credits Toward a Degree
The Integrated Marketing Communication Certificate is offered as a stand-alone certificate. However, if you decide to enroll in a degree program at Seton Hill in the future, the credits earned in this certificate program can be used toward your bachelor's degree. Online degree programs that are of interest to students in this certificate program include: