Beginning Music Teacher Boot Camp

Beginning Music Teacher Bootcamp: Review, Refresh, and Get Ready for the School Year
This course was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns. We do plan to offer it again in the future, so please check back!
Host: The Seton Hill Music Education Program
Presenters: Dr. Jessica Vaughan-Marra (Coordinator of Music Education) & Dr. Christopher Marra (Director of Instrumental Activities)
This one-day workshop will provide preservice and novice music educators with “refreshers” on essential content-specific pedagogy typically needed within PreK-12 music education curricula.
The one-day event will be bookended with keynote sessions addressing the common challenges faced by new music teachers entering the profession along with recommendations for seeking support from music teacher mentors in the profession. The rest of the event will be divided into 50-minute blocks with ten minute break focusing on key pedagogy areas (i.e. woodwind, brass, and string instrument review; essentials of vocal music education; and review of essential skills for conducting and rehearsing large ensembles). Content will be focused on introducing “big ideas” and then cater to the questions and concerns of the attendees. With the pandemic limiting access to in-person instructional opportunities at the PreK-12 and university levels, the sessions at this bootcamp will help bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Cost: $10 (includes lunch)
Location: This workshop will take place in the Seton Hill University Performing Arts Center, 100 Harrison Avenue, Greensburg, PA 15601.
Event Date: August 2nd, 2022
Seton Hill University COVID-19 protocol asks that attendees are vaccinated. Those who are not vaccinated should wear a mask.
Schedule: 9 am - 4 pm