Military Student Support

Seton Hill University is Dedicated to Supporting You
Seton Hill’s military students have access to a dedicated, specially trained support team.
Get Started Now with Admissions
We will take you step-by-step through the admission application process. The first step – the most important step – is finding the college or university that is the right fit for you. Whether you are fresh out of high school, a professional looking for a new career (or to enrich a current one), or a busy adult entering college for the first time, we have programs tailored to suit your needs. Apply for Admission Now.
Need Assistance? Email or call (800) 826-6234. Visit Admissions for more details.
- Learn more about transferring college credit to Seton Hill here.
- Seton Hill also offers several opportunities to earn college credit for Life, Work, & Military Experience. You can take an exam, like CLEP, DSST, or challenge exams; petition for credit; create a portfolio, or submit an American Council on Education (ACE) working transcript or a Joint Services transcript. Click here for more information.
Financial Aid and Assistance
College is one of the best investments you can make in yourself. Our financial aid coordinators can assist you in exploring options, applying for aid, and more. New and prospective students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to apply for aid at Seton Hill University. View Financial Aid & Affordability for more information.
Need Assistance? Email or call (724) 830-1010. Visit Financial Aid Process & Policies for more details.
Other Student Services
In addition to your military services, you’ll have access to a range of resources available to all Seton Hill University students that can help you both earn your degree and apply your degree in the workforce.
Center for Success
The Center for Success provides services that help students to strengthen academic skills and persist to graduation, such as tutoring, study skills, academic counseling, and workshops.
Please contact:
Jennifer Hedden, Ph.D.
Director of the Center for Success
Phone: (724) 838-2412
Career & Professional Development Center
As a Seton Hill student, you will have the opportunity to work with personal career advisors who are committed to supporting you throughout your education. The Career & Professional Development Center (CPDC) offers personal career advising, Seton Hill’s award-winning Fit for the World Career Readiness Program, online resources, and more.
Please contact:
Renee Starek
Director, Career & Professional Development Center
Phone: (724) 838-4276
Counseling Services
Free, confidential, short-term mental health counseling is available on-campus at Seton Hill’s Counseling Center. Counselors are available to assist students in developing an understanding of themselves, their environment, and their potential. Individual and group services are provided to students who are making personal, academic, social, or career decisions.
Please contact:
Jessica Maga, Ph.D., LPC, NCC
5th Floor Administration Building
Director of Counseling Services
Phone: (724) 838-4295
Disability Services
Please contact:
Kimberley Bassi-Cook, M.Ed., L.P.C., N.C.C.
Director of Disability Services
511 Administration Building
Phone: (724) 552-1607
Health Services
Seton's Hill's Office of Health Services is staffed by one board-certified family nurse practitioner and two registered nurses, and provides comprehensive, competent and confidential health care to all full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students.
Please contact:
Annette Gabany-Smiach, MSN, FNP-BC, CSN
Director of Health Services
Phone: (724) 838-4234
Mathematics Enrichment Center
Please contact:
Amy Beninati, M.Ed.
Director of Mathematics Enrichment Center
108 Reeves Building
Phone: (724) 552-1399
Reeves Memorial Library & Learning Commons
As a Seton Hill student, Reeves Memorial Library will provide you with the information resources, tools and support that you need to succeed. Located right in the center of University's main hilltop campus, the Reeves Memorial Library building also houses the Reeves Learning Commons, a centralized location for learning, creating and studying. The library also houses the Career and Professional Development Center; the IT Solution Center; the Innovative Teaching and Learning Center; the Writing Center; and the Math Center.
For more information, please visit the library website.
Solution Center for IT Support
Please contact:
Phone: (724) 830-1805
Wukich Center for Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Please contact:
Lyzona Marshall, MBA
Assistant Professor of Business
Director, Wukich Center for Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Office: (724) 830-1049