Community Arts Program Faculty & Instructors

Lisa Borbonus
Instructor of Voice, Noteworthy Director

Michele Boulet
Instructor of Flute, Flute Choir Director

Jorie Butler-Geyer
Instructor of Violin

Kathleen Campbell
Instructor of Saxophone

Joshua Carns
Instructor of Guitar

Karen Cole
Instructor of Clarinet

Louise Daniels
Instructor of Oboe

Ted DiSanti
Coordinator of Commercial Music, Associate Professor of Music, Trumpet

Ted DiSanti
Instructor of Saxophone

George Elliott
Instructor of Double Bass

James Gerald
Instructor of Guitar

Thomas Glovier
Instructor of Commercial Music, Jazz Piano, and Jazz Theory

Mary (Katie) Hicks-Borsuk
Seton Hill University Dance Academy Coordinator, Community Arts Assistant, Seton Hill University Adjunct Professor

Grace Houde
Instructor of Bassoon

Matthew Hyzer
Instructor of Piano

Kyung Won Jeon
Instructor of Cello

Elaina Kauffman
Instructor of Trombone

Edward M. Kuhn, Jr.
Music Department Chair, Associate Professor of Music, Piano

Anderson Lacerda
Instructor of Violin and Viola

Lindsey Lamagna
Instructor of Percussion

Michael Long
Coordinator of Sacred Music, Assistant Professor of Music, Organ, Director of Music Ministry, University Organist

Kelly Lynch
Instructor of Voice, World Music, Opera Workshop

Algirdas Matonis
Instructor of Trombone, Euphonium, and Tuba

Josie Merlino
Instructor of Music History and Piano; Staff Accompanist

Ian Morrison
Instructor of Tuba

Raymond Myers
Instructor of Guitar

Jill Procida
Instructor of Saxophone

Ryan Rick
Instructor of Trumpet

Amanda Sage
Instructor of Flute

Lisa Thackrah
Instructor of Clarinet

Michelle Walters
Director of Community Relations for the School of VPA and Title IX Coordinator

Alyssa Wells
Instructor of Piano and Flute

Natalie Williams
Instructor of Clarinet, Piano, and Voice

Xenia Yelovich
Instructor of Piano and Organ