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Occupational Therapy Courses and Curriculum

Curriculum Sequence


  • Required baccalaureate degree - Health Science, Psychology or other major.
  • Required prerequisite courses: Anatomy & Physiology I, Anatomy & Physiology II, Developmental Psychology, Abnormal Psychology or Psychopathology, Sociology or Anthropology, Statistics or Research

Fall - Semester 1

Foundations of Occupational Therapy - 4 cr.
Occupation and Wellbeing - 4 cr.
Information Literacy - 4 cr.
Context, Culture & Identity - 2 cr.
Community Service Practicum - 2 cr.

16 credits

Spring - Semester 2

Behavioral Practice - 4 cr.
Physical Disability Practice I - 4 cr.
Evidence-Based Practice - 4 cr.
Leadership - 2 cr.
Level I Fieldwork A - 2 cr.
(Behavioral or Wellbeing)

16 credits

Fall - Semester 3

OT Practice for Children and Adolescents - 4 cr.
Physical Disability Practice II - 4 cr.
Management - 4 cr.
Knowledge Translation and Research - 2 cr.
Level I Fieldwork B - 2 cr.
(Physical Disability or Children/Adolescents)

16 credits

Spring - Semester 4

OT Practice for Older Adults - 4 cr.
Population Practice - 4 cr.
Innovation and Emerging Practice - 4 cr.
Doctoral Capstone Proposal - 2 cr.
Doctoral Capstone Practicum - 2 cr.

16 credits

Fall - Semester 5

Level II Fieldwork A (July - Sept.) - 6 cr.
Level II Fieldwork A Reflections - 1 cr.

Level II Fieldwork B (Oct. - Dec.) - 6 cr.
Level II Fieldwork B Reflections - 1 cr.

Doctoral Capstone Plan - 1 cr. 

15 credits

Spring - Semester 6

Doctoral Capstone Experience (Jan. - April) - 7 cr.
Doctoral Capstone Project - 3 cr.
Professional Development Plan - 1 cr.

11 credits

Graduation Requirements

  • Successful completion of 90 credits of OTD graduate curriculum.
  • Successful completion of fieldwork and capstone experiences.

Student Experiences in Practice

Practicum Experience

Practical applications of previously studied theory and skills. Occupational therapy faculty provide structured learning activities. The organization allows students to observe and to interact with persons at the organization.  Two 20-hour practicum experiences occur during semesters 1 and 4.  A formal communication that describes the practicum experience for the practicum site is required. 
Level I Fieldwork is supervised experiential learning in an approved community or medical facility under professional direction.  Occupational therapy faculty provide structured learning activities for application of occupational therapy knowledge and skills from the classroom to the fieldwork setting.  Two 32-hour Level I fieldwork experiences occur during semesters 2 and 3. A formal agreement/contract that describes level I fieldwork is required between the university and fieldwork site.
Level II Fieldwork is supervised experiential learning in an approved community, educational or medical facility under occupational therapy direction.  Level II fieldwork, provides an opportunity for the student to analyze, synthesize and apply all components of educational background to occupational therapy practice within the framework of current delivery systems and under supervision of an occupational therapist. The purpose of Level II Fieldwork is to assume sequential levels of professional responsibility leading to satisfactory performance as an entry level therapist. Two 12-week full-time Level II fieldwork experiences are completed in semester 5 (July-December).  A formal agreement/contract that describes level II fieldwork is required between the university and fieldwork site.
Doctoral Capstone is self-directed  occupational therapy practice in a population context. Based on their individual interests, students design and implement a program-level intervention to address unmet occupational needs for a targeted population within an organizational context. A faculty member serves as the student’s project advisor and a site mentor supports the student’s immersion in the organization.   In coursework prior to the capstone, students develop an individualized learning plan for the capstone.  One 14-week full-time doctoral capstone experience is completed in semester 6. 

Course Highlights

Semester 1

Foundations of Occupational Therapy     4 Credits
Practice framework, occupational profile and theories of occupational therapy.

Occupation and Wellbeing     4 Credits
Therapeutic use of occupation (valued daily activities) on health and wellbeing.

Information Literacy     4 Credits
Strategies for graduate learning in professional practice including review of anatomy.

Context, Culture and Identity     2 Credits
Therapeutic use of self and professional communication for providing client-centered care.

Community Service Practicum     2 Credits
Service learning in an organization that engages persons in meaningful occupations.

Semester 2

Behavioral Practice     4 Credits
Intervention skills for persons with emotional, cognitive and social problems.

Physical Disabilities Practice I   4 Credits
Intervention skills for persons with orthopedic, cardiac and pulmonary conditions.

Evidence-Based Practice     4 Credits
Analyzing validity of research sources in relation to practice questions.

Leadership     2 Credits
Leadership skills for team building and program development.

Level I fieldwork A    2 Credits
Establishing therapeutic relationships and leading activities focused on behavioral health.

Semester 3

OT Practice for Children and Adolescents     4 Credits
Intervention skills for children with emotion regulation and social participation problems.

Physical Disabilities Practice II    4 Credits
Intervention skills for persons with neurological and regulation system conditions.

Management     4 Credits
Practice management strategies to address constraints and enhance quality services.

Knowledge Translation and Research    2 credits
Application of knowledge to benefit a targeted population and occupational need.

Level I Fieldwork B      2 Credits
Providing occupational therapy evaluation and intervention for adults or children.

Semester 4

OT Practice for Older Adults     4 Credits
Intervention skills for older persons with chronic illness to enhance productive aging.

Population Practice     4 Credits
Program development to address population health needs.

Innovation and Emerging Practice     4 Credits
Design thinking and leadership strategies to create occupation-based health service.

Doctoral Capstone Practicum     2 Credits
Service learning in an organization related to student’s doctoral capstone experience.

Doctoral Capstone Proposal     2 Credits
Capstone project proposal related to student’s selected program-level intervention.   

Semester 5

Level II Fieldwork A    6 Credits
Level II Fieldwork A Reflections     1 Credit
Application of all coursework to real-world practice with focused reflections.

Level II Fieldwork B    6 Credits
Level II Fieldwork B Reflections     1Credit
Application of all coursework to real-world practice with focused reflections.

Doctoral Capstone Plan    1 Credit
Updated proposal for capstone experience and project.

Semester 6

Doctoral Capstone Experience    7 Credits
Implement program for population’s unmet occupational needs in an organizational context.

Doctoral Capstone Project     3 Credits
Present capstone project demonstrating ability to design and implement programs for populations.

Professional Development Plan  1 Credit 
Plan for certification, licensure and job opportunities.