Seton Hill Traditions

Committed to Working with our Students to Make the World a Better Place
Seton Hill University, founded by the Sisters of Charity in 1885, is an innovative center for learning, offering a variety of educational opportunities to varied populations.
Historically, the identity of Seton Hill University was rooted in a strong connection to the Catholic Church through the founding religious congregation, the Sisters of Charity. The values and teachings of the Sisters were evident in the academic curriculum and in student life.
The Sisters established a University to carry on the Catholic intellectual tradition from its Judeo-Christian roots. Seton Hill embraces this legacy in the context of our pluralistic world with an effort to understand varied viewpoints and cultural traditions. It values the cumulative wisdom of the past, reveres human creativity and human intellectual capacity in all of its dimensions and is mindful of the life of the spirit.
Drawing on these traditions, the University stresses both community participation and respect for the individual. It leads students to value the graces of courtesy, kindness, compassion, dialogue and respect for the dignity of all people.
The University is committed to making our world a better place and working with our students to contribute to that end.
Celebrating the Past as We Welcome the Future
Traditions represent a distinguishing mark of life at Seton Hill. Traditional events are held throughout the year and represent the four guiding pillars of the University: welcoming, celebrating, learning and service.
Mass on the Grass
At the beginning of each academic year, we gather as a faith community to celebrate our Opening Liturgy, Mass on the Grass, where we ask for God's blessings on us and our efforts.
Labor of Love & Take the Day On
At the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, the Seton Hill community participates in a day of volunteer services at a variety of sites in the local and regional community. Labor of Love launches the year with the Pillar of Service, and Take the Day On commemorates Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and commitment to service.
Homecoming & Family Weekend
Homecoming and Family Weekend, held each fall, is packed with fun-filled events for everyone, from current students and their families to alumni.
Before heading home for the Thanksgiving holiday, we host a family-style turkey dinner with all the trimmings.
Christmas on the Hill
As Christmas nears, campus is especially alive with activity. The celebration officially begins right after Thanksgiving break with the annual crib ceremony, where members of the freshman class participate in a special service during which the school's traditional nativity scene is set up. Soon after, Seton Hill's Music Program holds its annual Christmas Concert, and the Office of Service Experience holds its Operation Christmas Basket market and gift sale to raise funds for Alternative Break trips. A formal celebration that includes an Advent Liturgy, and candlelight dinner, followed by Christmas liturgy and the Christmas Dance, is held just prior to Christmas break.
Founders' Day
Seton Hill University’s Founders' Day tradition commemorates the legacy of the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill who arrived in Greensburg in 1882 to establish a community that would ultimately found a four-year college for women in 1918. The inaugural Founders' Day brought the campus together to honor this history while looking toward the future with the theme "Honoring our Past, Embracing our Future."
Tree Planting
Every spring, the Junior Class plants a tree on Seton Hill's campus to serve as an enduring memory of their class.

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Celebrations
Seton Hill hosts annual events to celebrate Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton's birthday and feast day.
Spring Convocation
Each spring we host a special ceremony to recognize those students who have received academic and service honors during the previous year.
Baccalaureate & Commencement
December Commencement is held for those students completing their degree studies by August or December. This ceremony incorporates a Vesper Service within its program. May commencement ceremonies are held on a Saturday early in the month, with a Baccalaureate Mass held on the Friday evening preceding Commencement.
Class Banners
Each class at Seton Hill designs a banner representing its class colors and motto. Seton Hill displays the class banners during May commencement ceremonies and at various Homecoming and alumni events and celebrations.
Alumni Weekend
Every June, Seton Hill alumni gather for an annual reunion on campus, with special celebrations planned for five-year anniversary classes.
The Seton Hill Lecture Series
Seton Hill hosts a series of lectures, workshops and events that brings well-known speakers and performers to campus. Events are open to the public, and many of them are free.
For more information
Please contact Sister Maureen O'Brien, S.C., Vice President for Mission and Identity, at or (724) 830-1075.