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Seton Hill Summer Academy

Summer Academy Students On a Field Trip

Start Strong

The 2025 Summer Academy will be held July 19 - August 8.

The Summer Academy is a special opportunity to get a head start on your college experience. This invitation-only program for new first-time freshmen allows you to spend 3 weeks on Seton Hill’s campus prior to the start of the academic year. 

A $2,500 award is given to students who successfully complete the program and remain enrolled for the fall semester.

During the Summer Academy, invitees will:

  • Take a 1-credit college success course, a 2-credit Math course and a 2-credit English course. These exclusive courses are offered free of charge.
  • Stay in Seton Hill residence hall rooms and dine at Seton Hill at no charge.
  • Meet many of your new classmates and professors in a relaxed atmosphere. 
  • Get used to living, dining and hanging out on campus. 
  • Be introduced to and have the opportunity to interact with the key personnel and campus services that will help you succeed academically.

Students accepted to Seton Hill University who are eligible for this program will receive personal invitations to the Summer Academy.

If You Have Been Invited to Attend

  • Make your admission deposit to indicate your intention to enroll at Seton Hill (it will be credited to your account).
  • Register for the Summer Academy through your Online Admissions Portal at the same time you register for Setonian Orientation. (Registration will open in late spring.)

Have Questions?

Call the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at (724) 838-4281 or (800) 826-6234, or send an email to

Additional Resources

If you have been invited to attend the Summer Academy and would like to connect with any of the following offices, please use the contact information below.  It is recommended that you reach out at least two weeks prior to your arrival.

Counseling -

Health Services -

Disability Services -

Dining Services 

If you have any dietary considerations that you would like to share, please click on this link to tell us about them.

You may also contact the Dining Services dietitian directly at