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Trauma Informed-Care - Online (Certificate)

Gain an Understanding of Trauma Informed-Care in 1 Year, Online

In Seton Hill’s Trauma Informed-Care Certificate Program you’ll gain an understanding of the impact of trauma, and develop the skills needed to provide safe, appropriate and effective care. Developed in conjunction with Seton Hill’s Criminal Justice Program, this certificate can also be of value in the fields of education, social work, mental health services, healthcare and child welfare.

What You’ll Learn

  • Types of trauma, including individual, family, group, community trauma and mass trauma.
  • How adverse childhood experiences related to the household, environment and individual factors interconnect in individuals' lives, impacting families, communities, and organizations.
  • Principles and conventional operations of the criminal justice system including police, courts, corrections, and juvenile justice. 
  • Cultural, social, and interpersonal competencies needed to effectively work with various populations. 
  • Self-care strategies for building a positive well-being and healthy lifestyle.
  • The importance of rehabilitative practices as an effective social and policy approach.
  • Criminal justice interventions and procedures, based on sound theoretical/philosophical concepts and on evidence-based practices.
  • Communication and reflective skills for effective interviewing and counseling. 

Relevant Courses

Courses offered in the Trauma Informed-Care Certificate Program include:

  • Introduction to Counseling
  • Trauma in the Criminal Justice System
  • Trauma Informed Care for Children and Families
  • Self-Care for Mindful Balance and Positive Well Being
  • Protecting Ourselves from Secondary Traumatic Stress
  • The Helping Relationship

How You’ll Learn

Convenient Online Program Format

The Trauma Informed-Care Certificate is offered completely online through Seton Hill’s Online Bachelor’s Degree and Certificates Program. All courses are taught by experienced faculty from Seton Hill’s School of Education and Applied Social Sciences. While this certificate is associated with the Criminal Justice Program at Seton Hill, it is applicable to a variety of career fields.

Manageable Time Commitment

As a student in this program, you’ll take six online eight-week courses created just for busy adults. The Trauma Informed-Care Certificate can be completed in three semesters (twelve months), or on a timeline that suits you.

Start as Soon as You’d Like

You can begin this certificate in August, October, January or March - whenever it’s most convenient for you.

Academic, Technology & Career Support 

As a student in Seton Hill’s Online Bachelor's Degree and Certificates Program, you will also enjoy:

Reduced Cost + Aid

This eighteen-credit program is offered for a special reduced rate. While the cost is reduced, you still receive all of the benefits offered to students in Seton Hill’s School of Education and Applied Social Sciences. An easy payment plan is also available.

Use Your Certificate Credits Toward a Degree

If you decide to enroll in a degree program at Seton Hill in the future, the credits earned in this certificate program can be used toward your bachelor’s degree. Degree programs that are of interest to to students in this certificate program include:

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Deborah Slates-Ciocco

Faculty, Criminal Justice/Coordinator Behavioral Health