Karen Glass

Resident Scenic Designer
MFA, Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY) 1991
BA, State University of New York, (Postdam, NY) 1988
“Stage Show Collection With Volunteer Karen Glass. Marquee - Magazine of the Theatre Historical Society of America, vol. 50, no. 2, 2018, pp. 5–11.
“Rockin Rollers: Part 1.” Guild of Scenic Artists, Guild of Scenic Artists, 8 May 2018, scenicguild.org/2018/05/rockin-rollers-part-1/.
Peggy Ezekiel Award of Outstanding Achievement in Scenic Design 2019
Guild of Scenic Artists
United States Institute for Theatre Technology (National and Regional Section)
MY GOOD SIDE: scenic and costume design, Community Sponsored Art Program, New Hazlett Theatre, May 2015
CONTAINED: scenic design, Community Sponsored Art Program, New Hazlett Theatre, November 2014
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE: Scenic Design: Northern Kentucky University, November 2018
SHORTS ON SHIPS: “Splat!” & “Ghost Lite” Scenic Design, City Theatre of Miami for Royal Caribbean Cruises LTD. January 2018
YOUNG WASHINGTON, scenic design, Gallery of Heros (an outreach program of the Civic Light Opera) (Pittsburgh, PA) 2004
THE SAILOR BOY AND THE FALCON, Scenic Design, The Crane School of Music Opera Ensemble (Potsdam, NY) 2006
THE THREE PENNY OPERA, The Crane School of Music Opera Ensemble (Potsdam, NY) 2005
VENUS & ADONIS/DIDO & AENEAS, scenic design, The Crane School of Music Opera Ensemble (Potsdam, NY) 2004
THE AMAZINGLY TRUE ADVENTURES OF NELLIE BLY, scenic design, Gallery of Heros (an outreach program of the Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera) (Pittsburgh, PA) 2001
LA BOHEME, scenic design, Crane School of Music Opera Ensemble (Potsdam, NY) 1999
THE INCREDIBLE TOWER OF SOUND, scenic design, Carnegie Science Center (Pittsburgh, PA) 1999
AN EVENING WITH DAN KAMIN, lighting design, Seton Hill College (Greensburg, PA) 1999
THE SECRET GARDEN, scenic design, Crane School of Music Opera Ensemble, (Potsdam, NY) 1998
OSHA 10 Hour Training Certificate
USITT Ohio Valley Section Vice Chair for Communications