Susan Yochum, SC

As a member of the Seton Hill chemistry faculty for more than twenty-five years, I continue to enjoy teaching the first year students in the general chemistry and quantitative analysis courses. I have been privileged to work with students in the ACS Student Affiliate Chapter for many years (1995-2010). I also serve as the Division Chair for the Natural and Health Sciences Division. I am a member of the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill, the founding and sponsoring religious congregation of Seton Hill University. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the founder of the Sisters of Charity and model educator, serves as my inspiration to welcome all students and serve them with patience, encouragement challenge and respect and to create a learning environment where each student's potential flourishes.
Ph.D., Cleveland State University
M.S., Duquesne University
B.A. Seton Hill University
McCormick KD, Knobloch LJ, Whitebread EA, Howatch NJ, Yochum S, and Fornsaglio JL. Toxicity in wild type and DNA repair deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae following exposure to chemicals utilized in aviation. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science. April, 2010
Favorite Demonstrations for College Science; NSTApress, 2004; JCST articles 24 (5), 350-352 and 24 (6), 419-422 included in publication. ISBN:0-87355-242-3
Women Chemist Committee of the American Chemical Society Regional Award for Contributions to Diversity (2002)
CIC/Heuer Honorable Mention Award for Outstanding Achievement in Undergraduate Science Education (2002)
Professor of the Year, Seton Hill University (1998)
American Chemical Society (ACS)
Iota Sigma Pi (National Chemistry Honor Society for Women)
Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP)
Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh (SSP)
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
ACS Division of Education
ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, Hershey, PA, June, 2017. "Quantitative analysis laboratory: A new look!"
ACS Regional Meeting, Pgh, PA, October, 2014. "Chemistry if Fun! A quantitative analysis laboratory adventure."
PITTCON Conference and Expo, Chicago. (March, 2014),“Synthesis andFT-IR Analysis of Cu(II) and Co(II) Coordination Complexes of 2,3 - butanedione." (with C.Binda)
ACS National Meeting, Division of Chemical Education, Anaheim, March, 2011: “Synthesis and characterization of Cu(II) and Co(II) dichloro complexes with 2,3-butanedione.” (with H. Gonder)
ACS National Meeting, Division of Chemical Education, Washington, DC, August 2009: “Toxicity in wild type and DNA repair deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae following exposure to tert-butyl hydroperoxide utilized in aviation.” (with N. Howatch and J. Fornsaglio)
ACS National Meeting, Division of Chemical Education, Chicago, March, 2007: “Laboratory Modernization Initiative at Seton Hill University.”
ACS Central Regional Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA., October, 2003; “Science Quest: A success story at Seton Hill University.”
ACS National Meeting, Division of Chemical Education & Sci-Mix; New Orleans, March, 2003; “Acid –Base Titrations: Where’s the Salt.”
ACS National Meeting, Division of Chemical Education; San Diego, March, 2001: “Women in Science Outreach at Seton Hill College: A Closer Look.”
Project Administrator, Seton Hill University - Personal Empowerment Program with Integrative Cardiac Health Project Walter Reed Medical Center and Army Reserve Component Personal Empowerment Package, US Army Medical Research Acquisition Act. (2011-2015)
Project Director, Air Force Environmental and Occupational Factors in Women's Health (DOD contract) 2005-08