Diane Miller

PhD, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA), 2010
BS, Franklin & Marshall College (Lancaster, PA), 2003
Beck, J. P.; Miller, D. M. Encouraging Student Engagement by Using a POGIL Framework for a Gas-Phase IR Physical Chemistry Laboratory Experiment. J. Chem. Educ., 2022, 99(12), pp 4079-4084.
D. A. C. Czegan, D. M. Miller, and J. Kabrhel. Infusing the Liberal Arts Mission Across Chemistry Curricula and Beyond. In Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom; K. D. Kloepper and G. L. Crawford, Eds.; ACS Symposium Series 1266; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017; pp 27–43.
D. M. Miller and D. A. Chengelis Czegan. “Integrating the liberal arts and chemistry: A series of general chemistry assignments to develop science literacy.” J. Chem. Educ., 2016, 93 (5), pp 864–869.
J. Fornsaglio and D. Miller. Writing in Chemistry. Apple iBook (2015).
D. M. Miller, J. W. Young, P. J. Morgan, and D. W. Pratt, “High resolution electronic spectroscopy of 9-fluorenemethanol in the gas phase: New insights into the properties of p-hydrogen bonds,” J. Chem. Phys., 2010, 133, 124312.
D. M. Miller, P. J. Morgan, and D. W. Pratt, “On the electric dipole moments of asymmetric tops: Measurement by high-resolution electronic spectroscopy in the gas phase,” J. Phys. Chem. A, 2009, 113 (25), pp 6964–6970.
D. M. Mitchell, P. J. Morgan, and D. W. Pratt, “Push-pull molecules in the gas phase: Stark-effect measurements of the permanent dipole moments of p-aminobenzoic acid in its ground and electronically excited states,” J. Phys. Chem. A, 2008, 112 (49), pp 12597–12601.
P. J. Morgan, D. M. Mitchell, and D. W. Pratt, “High resolution electronic spectroscopy of p-vinylphenol in the gas phase,” Chem. Phys., 2008, 347, pp 340–345.
T. M. Selby, J. R. Clarkson, D. M. Mitchell, J. A. J. Fitzpatrick, H. D. Lee, D. W. Pratt, and T. S. Zwier, “Isomer-specific spectroscopy and conformational isomerization energetics of o-, m-, and p-ethynylstyrenes,” J. Phys. Chem. A, 2005, 109 (20), pp 4484–4496.
Safford Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching (2004)
Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh
Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh
American Chemical Society
Phi Beta Kappa Society
R. M. Whitnelland D. M. Miller. “The POGIL Project Workshop: Development and Implementation of Guided Inquiry Experiments for Physical Chemistry.” 2022 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, West Lafayette, IN, August 2022.
J. P. Beck and D. M. Miller. “Encouraging Student Engagement in Scientific Practices Through a Gas-Phase IR POGIL Physical Chemistry Laboratory Experiment.” 2022 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, West Lafayette, IN (2022).
J. Smith, H. Boylan, and D. Miller. How to Make the Most of Your Pittcon Experience. Virtual panel presentation. Pittcon 2023 Conference & Expo (2023).
D. A. Czegan and D. M. Miller. "Interdisciplinary approach to the chemistry curriculum: Infusing the liberal arts into majors-level courses.” Presentation given at the 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Notre Dame, IN, (2018).
D. M. Miller. "Combining lecture, flipping, and assigned readings to promote student engagement in a quantum mechanics course.” Presentation given at the 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Notre Dame, IN, (2018).
D. Miller and D. C. Czegan. “Developing science literacy in a General Chemistry I course.” Presentation given at the 24th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Greeley, CO, (2016).
J. Hagen, D. Miller, M. Bernardo, R. Jin, and T. Dilbeck. “Melting point and molecular structure: A POGIL physical chemistry lab.” Presentation given at the 24th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Greeley, CO, (2016).
D. Miller. “Using team-based learning strategies to promote student engagement in a thermodynamics course.” Presentation given at the 45th ACS Central Regional Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA (2014).