John Spurlock

Ph.D., Rutgers University, 1985
“Furnaces: Visions of the American Dream and Nightmare in Braddock.” Folia 31 (2020), 69-75.
Youth and Sexuality in the Twentieth Century United States. New York: Routledge, 2015.
“AIDS.” Encyclopedia of Military Science. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2012.
With David Majiros, “STDs.” Encyclopedia of Military Science. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2012.
“Peyton Place and the boundaries of sexual desire in 1950s U.S.A.” in On the Borders of Convention, pp. 183-190. Ed. Aleksandra Nikcevic and Marija Knezevic. Niksic: Faculty of Philosophy, 2010.
"American Youth Culture and the Revolution in American Sexuality," in New Perspectives: Essays on Language, Literature and Methodology. Ed. Aleksandra Nikcevic and Marija Knezevic. Niksic: Faculty of Philosophy, 2007.
With James W. Reed. “Young and Pregnant: Adolescent Pregnancy in the 20th Century,” Cocca, Carolyn ed. Adolescent Sexuality: A Historical Handbook and Guide. Westport, CT: Greenwood/Praeger, 2006.
“Love.” Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society. New York: Macmillan, 2003.
“Adolescent Sexuality,” Youth, Education, and Sexualites: An Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing, 2005.
“From Reassurance to Irrelevance: Adolescent Psychology and Homosexuality in America.” History of Psychology 5 (2002): 38-51.
With Cynthia A. Magistro. New and Improved: The Transformation of American Women’s Emotional Culture. New York: New York University Press, 1998.
“The Problem of Modern Married Love for Middle-Class Women” in Emotional History of the United States, Peter N. Stearns and Jan Lewis, eds. New York: New York University Press, 1998, 319-332.
With Cynthia A. Magistro. “'Dreams Never to be Realized': Emotional Culture and the Phenomenology of Emotion.” Journal of Social History 28 (Winter 1994):295-310.
“A Masculine View of Women's Freedom: Free Love in the Nineteenth Century.” International Social Science Review 69 (1995): 34-44.
“Utopian Communities.” Encyclopedia of Social History. New York: Garland Publishing, 1994.
“James Hervey Hyslop.” American National Biography. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Free Love: Marriage and Middle-Class Radicalism in America, 1825-1860. New York: New York University Press, 1988.
“The Free Love Network in America, 1850-1860.” Journal of Social History 22 (Summer 1988): 765-779.
“Anarchy and Community at Modern Times, 1851-1863.” Communal Societies (1983): 29-47.
Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer, Filozofski Fakultet, University of Montenegro
Furnaces: Visions of the American Dream and Nightmare in Braddock, 15th Annual Anglo-American Conference, Filosofski Fakultet, University of Montenegro, Cetinje, Montenegro, June 2019.
“The Structure of Sexual Revolutions," at Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj, Romania June 2019.
“American Dating Culture,” public lecture, Northern Arctic Federal University (Arkhangelsk, Russia), March 2012.
Open Forum on American society and culture, Northern Arctic Federal University (Arkhangelsk, Russia), March 2012.
“Sluts and Steadies: Boundaries of Sexuality for Postwar Youth,” at Popular Culture Association, March 19, 2008.
Best Practices of Experienced Chairs, Workshop at Council of Independent Colleges’ Department / Division Chairs Workshops, May 30-Jun1 1, 2007.
“What happened to girls’ romantic friendships?” at Society for the History of Childhood and Youth, July 2003.
"'There's no place like home--except a lunatic asylum': Movies and Marriage," Popular Culture Association, April 2000.
“But is she a Lesbian? Young Women in Love, 1915-1940" at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 1997.
“'Comes the Clash of Personalities': Marriage and Popular Culture in the 1920s” at Lewis and Clark Genders Studies Symposium, April 1995.
“Anti-Catholicism in the 1830s” at Organization of American Historians, April 1992.
“The Awful Disclosures of William Leete Stone: Anti-nativism and American Nationality” at Society of Historians of the Early American Republic, July 1991.
“Harmonial Men in Jacksonian America” at American Studies Association, October 1988.
California Single Subject (Lifetime) Credential in Social Studies, English, German
Chair of the Division of the Humanities, August 1999-August 2009