Daniel Casebeer

Ph.D., Social and Comparative Analysis, University of Pittsburgh
M.S.Ed., Secondary Education, Duquesne University
M.A., English Literature, Duquesne University
B.A., English Literature, Washington & Jefferson College
Casebeer, D. (2023). Five discussion strategies to deepen student engagement. Edutopia. Retrieved from https://www.edutopia.org/article/strategies-student-discussion-grades-6-12
Casebeer, D. (2021). How to build a strong virtual classroom community. Edutopia. Retrieved from https://www.edutopia.org/article/how-build-strong-virtual-classroom-community
Casebeer, D. (2019). Visualizing preservice teachers' encounters with difference. Pennsylvania Teacher Educator, 18(1), 84-96.
Casebeer, D. (2018). Teaching empathy through journaling. Edutopia. Retrieved from https://www.edutopia.org/article/teaching-empathy-through-journaling
Casebeer, D. (2018). Deciphering preservice teachers’ intercultural competencies: A grounded theory for description and demonstration. Journal of Research Initiatives, 4(1), 1-11.
Casebeer, D. (2016). Mapping dispositions for social justice: Toward a cartography of reflection. Reflective Practice, 17(3), 357-368.
Jeff Bartel Award for Excellence in Assessment
Joseph B. Whitehead Educator of Distinction Award
Casebeer, D., & Tamburrino, M. (2021). The decision gap: A phenomenographic examination of student engagement during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Conference for Academic Research in Education, virtual.
Casebeer, D. (2020). Mapping student teachers' perceptions of engagement during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators, Harrisburg, PA.
Casebeer, D. (2019). (Re)conceptualizing arts-based teaching and learning in the content areas. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Art Education Association, State College, PA.
Casebeer, D. (2018). The empathetic classroom: Instructional strategies for social and emotional learning. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Communication Association, Greensburg, PA.
Casebeer, D. (2018). Mapping cultural diversity awareness: A case study of transformative learning in preservice teacher education. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Casebeer, D. (2015). Mapping dispositions for social justice. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Conference, Las Vegas, NV.